Archive view of the American Protestant Chapel of Smyrna pre-1922.
According to F. Rougon (French Consul of Smyrna), he writes in 1892: ‘L’Eglise lutherienne n’a pas de temple; les offices ont lieur a la chapelle hollandaise etc.
L’eglise d’Ecosse
(Church of Scotland) as he says, entretient une mission de propaganda. Our maps show this was located on the North side of Basmane station.
L’Eglisse d’Amerique presbiterienne est de creation recente; elle a eleve un temple et une ecole desservis par deux pasteurs.’
The American population of the city was negligible, this institution was intended to preach to the Armenians, and was probably somewhere in the South side of Basmane station, i.e. what was the Armenian quarter. The American authorities experienced problems with the Ottoman authorities, so it is probable that this led to the custodianship of this chapel passed on to the Scottish Mission